Born in Iowa, raised in Illinois, Jennie was destined for a creative degree. A PBS special about Ebola Virus and an article about food borne illness derailed her creative pursuits by making her think that her purpose in life was to prevent as many stomachaches as possible. For ten long years she worked in food production labs, agricultural labs, and disease labs. After handling her hundredth pig brain, she began to dream of a different life. In this new life she would be able to keep a water bottle at her desk without fear of cross-contamination, she could collaborate with co-workers instead of merely tolerating them, and she could run experiments of color, composition, and shape with a click of a button. Now that she is almost done with her education (again), Jennie is ready to investigate the world of design work. She would prefer to work in the Des Moines, Iowa City, or Quad City area. Both office and factory work appeal to her.